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Innehållet på den här sidan är marknadsföring


SKAGEN AS (894500CA254XQAUC2437) considers principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors. The present statement is the consolidated statement on principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors of SKAGEN AS (894500CA254XQAUC2437) and includes SKAGEN SICAV products.

This statement on principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors covers the reference period from 1 January to 31 December 2023.

Summary of principle adverse impact statement:

As a member of Storebrand Asset Management As (”SAM” Group), SKAGEN is managing a portfolio of SKAGEN funds on behalf of SAM. SKAGEN is committed to adhering to the groupwide exclusion list Storebrand Exclusion Standard which comprises a comprehensive set of exclusion criteria. These exclusion criteria are the first filter applied to reduce and manage principle adverse impacts of the investment activity of the products in the wider group. Alignment with exclusion criteria and management of the most adverse principal adverse impacts is enforced and executed both at SAM level and at SKAGEN level on a routine basis in accordance with Storebrand Sustainable Investment Policy, SFDR disclosures and SKAGEN internal routine description document. Beyond the Storebrand Exclusion Standard, the equity funds managed by SKAGEN apply an ESG Integration Strategy throughout the investment process which places the products under SFDR Art 8 (’light-green’) reporting and disclosure requirements. Financially material principle adverse impacts are considered, measured, and documented at various stages in the investment decision making process as part of our ESG Integration Process, exclusion criteria and materiality matrix. This is documented in quarterly screening controls and in the ESG factsheets and further summarized in external reporting (SFDR Periodic Report and Annual Sustainability Report).

Information on the principal adverse impact of our funds’ investments for the reference period from 1 January to 31 December 2023 will be reported, subject to data availability and quality, by 30 June 2024.

Read the full PAI statement here.

Historisk avkastning är ingen garanti för framtida avkastning, som bland annat beror på marknadens utveckling, förvaltarnas skicklighet, fondernas riskprofil och förvaltningsarvoden. Avkastningen kan bli negativ till följd av kursnedgångar och valutakursförändringar. Det finns risker förknippade med investeringar i fonderna på grund av rörelser på aktie- och räntemarknaderna. Även konjunktur-, bransch- och bolagsspecifika förhållanden kan påverka avkastningen. Fonderna är denominerade i NOK och innan du investerar uppmanas du att läsa faktablad och fondprospekt. SKAGEN AS förvaltar fonderna enligt ett avtal med Storebrand Asset Management. En översikt över kostnader i fonderna finns på www.skagenfonder.se/kostnader.
